Saturday, March 29, 2014

Covering Ugly Necklace Display Boards

My friend has a new boutique and lots of these ugly plain necklace displays.  I offered to cover them so they can be used with the few brand new ones she purchased. 

First thing is remove the easel back with a utility knife. Easy peasy!

Then trace the shape of the board onto a paper backing that coordinates with the fabric you choose. Cut out the shape a scant smaller than the outline. I used brown paper & a blush pink  for the burlap fabric...any type of heavy paper will work.  Lay the necklace board on your fabric and cut out 2"-2.5" wider than the display.

I also covered the easel back, but it is not necessary. 

Lay fabric wrong side up and place board face down and start glueing!   The clothes pins were easier to use than the binder clips. I put small pieces of wax paper I between the clothes pins and burlap so as NOT to glue the wooden pin to the display!


Now be sure to use ALOT of glue where you removed the easel back.  This will ensure the easel doesn't separate from the paper backing. Don't forget to run a bead of glue around the perimeter of the display.   I used white glue, but hot glue will work too. 
Now wait for it to dry, unless you are using fast set or hot glue. 

Glue the easel onto the back and let dry. 

There you simple and greatly improved!

Here's the Paris fabric one in use!

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